Work Smarter, Not Harder

Alt Text Image: “I do not have to work myself to the point of a BREAKDOWN to prove that I am dedicated to my dreams. I am most effective when my cup is FULL.” -Faith Cade, M.Ed. #fleurdelisspeaks

On this Labor Day in the United States, I want to remind you that OVERworking to accomplish any goal eventually becomes counterproductive. I will never forget when I hit my pivotal proverbial wall as a consultant. I was on a project that I went into knowing that it would be challenging, but knowing and actually experiencing what you thought you knew are two completely different things. I had completed my work on the project and was in the process of figuring out what the next step was in my career journey.

My managing director at the time told me that he appreciated the work I’d done and as only he could share so eloquently, “I’m glad you’re taking time off because you won’t be any good to us or yourself if you’re taking a dirt nap.” As harsh as that may seem, it’s what I needed to hear at the time and also was the plain truth.

How can we achieve any goal, vision or dream if we’re not around or healthy enough to actually enjoy the life we’ve worked so hard for?

Do you need to work to achieve your goals? Absolutely! Work + alignment + consistency will help you to achieve your goals every single time! However, incorporating your work with being strategic, and working smart will always get your further than the constant grind.

We are not robots.

We are not machines.

We are humans and humans need balance and rest.

Work, that leaves no room for rest, can lead to an endless cycle of burnout, misalignment and disappointment.

Work —> Rest —> Repeat, in that order and enjoy your journey as you move toward the life that you truly desire and deserve.

With Gratitude,


about lekisha

As the Founder of The Good Success Network, Lekisha Middleton is the "go-to coach" for "go-to leaders" and changemakers. She has advised and coached thousands of leaders worldwide and teaches her clients how to align their work with their purpose and values, so they can live a life that they love and leave a legacy they are proud of.